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COP26, an explainer.

Multiethnic group of people cooperating for environmental protection and sustainability in a park: they are supporting earth together, recycling waste, growing plants and choosing renewable energy resources

You have probably heard a lot about COP26, which is being held in our neighbouring city of Glasgow. Whilst the headlines are compelling, what does it all really mean?

What is COP26?

World leaders hope to lay out exactly how they will achieve the goals the set during the 2015 Paris Treaty at COP26.

Who’s at COP26?

Protesters are also attending COP26 in force, calling for substantive change, rather than tired platitudes.

What do they hope to achieve?

There are 4 main goals for this years COP:

The UK has also highlighted 5 key themes for COP26, which enhance the above aims:

Why does COP26 matter?

We now live in a globalised world, and unless we take collective responsibility for what is happening to the planet, we have no hope of stopping climate change.

World leaders must be held to account, and pushed to make significant changes in order to mitigate the already evident changes in our climate.

What can you do to help?

Hold your local MP to account, check their voting records, and use your vote whenever you have the opportunity.

Check out the Climate Change Committee, the independent UK advisor on climate change.

Educate yourself, charities such as the Soil Association have excellent information available on how to demand change from world leaders.

Make your own small changes! A little goes a long way. Reducing plastic use is a great way to help the environment, look for biodegradable packaging, or utilise refills at our Tollcross store.

Reduce the amount of animal produce you consume, check our some tasty alternatives here.

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